Go to the documentation of this file.
83 void setPhaseVoltage(
float Uq,
float Ud,
float angle_el);
87 int alignCurrentSense();
89 int absoluteZeroSearch();
99 float velocityOpenloop(
float target_velocity);
106 float angleOpenloop(
float target_angle);
108 long open_loop_timestamp;
float Ubeta
Phase voltages U alpha and U beta used for inverse Park and Clarke transform.
int initFOC(float zero_electric_offset=NOT_SET, Direction sensor_direction=Direction::CW) override
float target
current target value - depends of the controller
int sensor_direction
if sensor_direction == Direction::CCW then direction will be flipped to CW
void move(float target=NOT_SET) override
BLDCMotor(int pp, float R=NOT_SET)
void linkDriver(BLDCDriver *driver)
float Uc
Current phase voltages Ua,Ub and Uc set to motor.